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The laws of Toquaht Nation are known as “Acts,” and they must comply with our Nation’s Constitution. These Acts establish formal procedures in various areas and are binding on all citizens. Our Constitution designates our full Council as the “legislative” branch of our government with the authority to make or enact laws.

The Toquaht Executive establishes “regulations,” which are rules or orders having legal force for the purpose of carrying out intentions regarding a specific act. Regulations must be consistent with the legislation that authorizes them, and they are part of the “law.” However, regulations tend to be more flexible and can more readily be changed by the Executive.

The general principles that guide administration (staff, employees, and department heads) in the conduct of the Nation’s public affairs are called “policies.” They are typically written in policy manuals and focus on how the government and its employees conduct themselves and their decision-making processes. Policies typically do not apply to non-government individuals.

Orders” are statutory instruments by which the authorized body expresses a decision, sets out rules, or are notices of appointments or regulation. The taayii ḥaw̓ił (highest ranking chief), Executive, law clerk, and any director can enact an Order.


Administration of Justice Act

Administrative Decisions Review Act

Annual Budget Act 2024-2025

Application of Laws to Foreshore Act

Building and Development Authorization Act

Business Licensing Act

Citizenship Act

Council Rules of Order and Procedure

Economic Development Act

Effective Date Procedures Act with Schedules

Elections Act

Emergency Preparedness Act 

Enforcement Act *RESCINDED

Environmental Protection Act

Financial Administration Act

Five-Year Financial Plan Act 2024/25 to 2028/29

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

Goods and Services Tax Act REPEALED

Government Act

Government Personnel Act

Grammatical & Typographical Amendments Act

Housing Act [previous Housing Authority Act REPEALED]

Integrity Act

Interpretation Act

Island Timberlands Land Purchase Borrowing Act

Land Act

Macoah Zoning and Structures Act

Official Community Plan Act

Planning and Land Use Management Act

Public Order, Peace and Safety Act

Public Works and Services Act ** Amended March 26, 2024 **

Real Property Tax Act

Referendum Act

Resources Harvesting Act

Trespass and Community Safety Act   


Annual Rates Regulation 2024

Banking Signatories Regulation

Building Forms Regulation

Business Licensing Regulation

Citizenship and Enrolment Forms Regulation

Compliance Notice and Ticket Regulation Official Consolidation

Disclosure Forms Regulation

Enforcement Standards Regulation

Executive Rules of Order and Procedure Regulation

Expenditures Regulation

Fisheries Regulation

Governance & Fiscal Agreement Regulation

Lands Registry Forms Regulation 

Housing Regulation   

Rental Housing Regulation  REPEALED

Review Board Forms & Fees Regulation

Site Profile Regulation

Toquaht Titled Lands Transfer Regulation

Wildlife Migratory Birds Regulation

Wood Waste Disposal Regulation


Community Services Policies **

Medical Travel Top-up Policy **

Elder’s Emergency Repair Policy **

Citizen Support Policy **

Funeral Assistance Policy **

Elders Support Grant Policy **

Good Grades Allowance Policy

Non-Insured Health Benefits Policy

Addictions Recovery Support Policy **

Education and Training Support Policy

School Supplies Allowance Policy

Youth Recreation Fund Policy

Government Policies **

Citizen Distribution Policy **

Citizen Travel Policy

TNG Travel Policy (Employees & Government) **

Lands, Public Works, and Resources Policies **

t̓uk̓ʷaaʔatḥiic hišimyiły̓ak Use Policy **

Domestic Fish Distribution Policy



TNO 29-2020 Order of the Executive re. Lot 9 Access

TNO 44-2020 Order of the Executive re. CARE Network Access

TNO 45-2020 Order of the Executive re. Toquaht Lands Access

TNO 25-2021 Order of the Executive re. Secret Beach Access 2021-06-01

TNO 1-2022 Executive Order re Industries and Forestry

TNO 1-2023 Executive Order re Appointment of DoO

TNO 2-2023 DoO Order re Delegation of MoO

TNO 1-2024 DoO Order re Delegation of DCS

TNO 2-2024 DCS Order re Delegation of MoHI

TNO 5-2024 Order of the Law Clerk re Public Works and Services Act