Official Community Plan
The Latest
February 2024: The Official Community Plan (OCP) outlines Toquaht Nation’s priorities for stewarding, developing and managing Toquaht Lands, and is required under our Planning and Land Use Management Act. Our last OCP was adopted in March 2016 after engaging with Toquaht citizens from 2012–2016 and can be viewed here.
We started updating our OCP in 2022 to reflect our growing community, investment in housing, community facilities, infrastructure, changes in climate and our local economy, and the acquisition of new lands. A detailed OCP will help coordinate our efforts to develop and steward Toquaht lands according to our values.
There will be a Public Hearing at the Toquaht Nation office in Ucluelet on March 19 at 6:30 pm to allow citizens to view the draft Official Community Plan. Click here to view the new draft Official Community Plan Act.
If you’re not able to attend in person, please register to attend the event remotely here.
For more information about the draft Official Community Plan, email Brett Freake, manager of Lands and Resources, at For any questions about the Act, please email the law clerk, Kirsten Johnsen, at
Survey Results
As part of the engagement process to update the 2016 Office Community Plan, Toquaht citizens were asked to provide feedback via a survey.
Some of the feedback we heard included that:
- A muster facility for evacuation, weather protected and warm, needs to be in place in Macoah.
- A secondary road for emergencies is important.
- Supported living facilities for Elders is a priority, especially for end-of-life care and aging in place.
- Accommodating future growth and community development out of the coastal hazard area needs to be implemented.
- The designations (anchor link) in place for the OCP are satisfactory.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey.
What’s Going On
We are updating our 2016 Official Community Plan (OCP). Why?
- Our community is growing
- The climate and economy are changing
- We have plans for community facilities, housing, and infrastructure
- New lands have been acquired
The draft 2023 OCP outlines what areas of Toquaht Lands can be used for what purposes and establishes basic development guidelines for them.
What’s an OCP?
The Official Community Plan (OCP) outlines Toquaht Nation’s priorities for stewarding, developing and managing Toquaht Lands, and is required under our Planning and Land Use Management Act. Our last OCP was adopted in March 2016 after engaging with Toquaht citizens from 2012–2016 and can be viewed here.
We started updating our OCP in 2022 to reflect our growing community, investment in housing, community facilities, infrastructure, changes in climate and our local economy, and the acquisition of new lands. A detailed OCP will help coordinate our efforts to develop and steward Toquaht lands according to our values.
There are three important policy sections in the Official Community Plan: Land Designations, Development Guidelines and Procedures.
Land Designations
Land Designations describe what kinds of land uses are supported in different areas of our lands. There are five designations:
- Protected
- Home Lands
- Working Lands
- Foreshore and Marine
- Stewardship
Each designation is based on current land uses, physical attributes and constraints, and Toquaht community input (Citizens, staff, leadership). They were also informed by our 2016 Official Community Plan that this OCP replaces.
Development Guidelines
Development Guidelines outline basic best practices to minimize any impacts associated with land use and development (e.g., damage to environmentally sensitive areas, protection of cultural resources) and mitigate existing hazards (e.g., coastal flooding and sea level rise, wildfire).
Our updated OCP has four kinds of guidelines:
- Environmental Protection
- Cultural Protection
- Hazards (Coastal, Steep Slopes, Wildfire)
- Residential and Commercial Development.
A Procedures section outlines a high-level process for reviewing development proposals that is coordinated with the procedures outlined in the Building and Development Authorization Act TNS 2/2013 (LINK). This section also provides information on reviewing and updating our OCP.
Where does it apply
Our OCP is for Toquaht Lands. We have also included guidance for developments outside of our Lands that are within Toquaht Traditional Territory.
What to learn more?
For more information, contact Brett Freake, Manager of Lands and Resources, by email at, or by phone at 250-726-4230 ext. 261.