Strategic Direction
2025 – 2030 Strategic Plan
As the 2021 – 2024 Toquaht Nation Strategic Plan has wrapped up, plans are underway to develop the new Strategic Plan, which will carry the Nation from 2025 to 2030.
Over the fall, Executive and Administration met and consulted on the high-level priorities of Toquaht Nation. Content for a new strategic plan was drafted and underwent several revisions. The proposed plan has several new goals and activities designed to benefit all Toquaht citizens. Some of the areas of focus include a refresh of the current Mission and Vision of Toquaht Nation, as well as the Guiding Principles that were in place.
On December 7th, the draft Strategic Plan was presented at the People’s Assembly. You can view the presentation here.
There will be a Q-and-A for citizens on the draft Strategic Plan in February. Please watch your email for an invitation to attend.
Please email with any questions on input on the draft Strategic Plan.
Vision and Mission
Based on that consultation, Toquaht Nation Government Executive have recommended the following updated Vision and Mission statements:
A healthy future for t̓uk̓ʷaaʔatḥ through opportunities that meet their social, spiritual, and economic needs.
The Toquaht Nation supports all masčim to thrive by being innovative and providing high quality programs and services within accessible, accountable, fair, and sustainable systems.
haahuupacamis (the Teachings)
Another significant change to the draft 2025-2030 Strategic Plan is the proposed update to the title “Guiding Principles”, to haahuupacamis (the Teachings).
Strategic Priorities
In addition to the new Vision and Mission statement, and the updated haahuupacamis, there are Four Strategic Priorities that are proposed for the new Strategic Plan.
Strategic Priority One: Strengthen Governance
Strategic Priority Two: Grow a Sustainable Economy
Foster masčim and Community Well-being
Steward and protect the ḥaḥuułi
What’s Next
Over coming months there will be more opportunities to provide input on the draft 2025 – 2030 Strategic Plan. Additionally, please email to provide feedback on the draft 2025- 2030 Draft Strategic Plan at any time.
To learn more about the 2021- 2024 Strategic Plan, go here.